5 min read

Shoot growth

Tidy shoot growth data

dat_shoot <- tidy_shoot()

usethis::proj_set(str_c(getwd(), "/phenologyb4warmed/"), force = T)
usethis::use_data(dat_shoot, overwrite = T)

Shoot length data saved in package. Use directly.

Questions about data:

  • Some plants have barcode of NA. Removed.
  • Some plants have multiple slots. Separating the slots in groups.
  • One shoot length record was 6806. Removed shoot length greater than 5000.
  • I’m guessing the unit of shoot length is mm.
dat_shoot %>% head(10)
## # A tibble: 10 × 15
##    site  canopy heat  heat_name water water_name block plot  species barcode
##    <chr> <chr>  <fct> <fct>     <fct> <fct>      <chr> <chr> <chr>     <dbl>
##  1 cfc   closed _     ambient   _     ambient    a     a3    abiba      3148
##  2 cfc   closed _     ambient   _     ambient    a     a3    abiba      3148
##  3 cfc   closed _     ambient   _     ambient    a     a3    abiba      3148
##  4 cfc   closed _     ambient   _     ambient    a     a3    abiba      3148
##  5 cfc   closed _     ambient   _     ambient    a     a3    abiba      3148
##  6 cfc   closed _     ambient   _     ambient    a     a3    abiba      3148
##  7 cfc   closed _     ambient   _     ambient    a     a3    abiba      3148
##  8 cfc   closed _     ambient   _     ambient    a     a3    abiba      3148
##  9 cfc   closed _     ambient   _     ambient    a     a3    abiba      3148
## 10 cfc   closed _     ambient   _     ambient    a     a3    abiba      3148
## # ℹ 5 more variables: cohort <dbl>, slot <chr>, year <dbl>, doy <dbl>,
## #   shoot <dbl>

Exploratory plots


Questions about sampling methods:

  • How were the sampling periods determined?
  • How were the sampling frequencies or intervals determined?
plot_shoot(dat_shoot, speciesoi = "queru")
plot_shoot(dat_shoot, speciesoi = "queru", quantile = T)

Quantile regression

Using specific sites, canopy conditions, species as examples.

test_shoot_quantreg(dat_shoot %>%
  filter(species == "queru", canopy == "open", site == "cfc") %>%
  filter(doy >= 120, doy < 170)) %>%
## Call:
## quantregGrowth::gcrq(formula = shoot ~ ps(doy, monotone = 1) + 
##     heat + water + heat_water, tau = 0.5, data = df)
## --------  Percentile: 0.50   check function:   36611 -----
## parametric terms:
##                Est  StErr   |z| p-value    
## (Intercept) 49.406  3.097 15.95 < 2e-16 ***
## heat         5.275  1.913  2.76 0.00581 ** 
## water        1.618  2.843  0.57 0.56923    
## heat_water  -2.967  2.649  1.12 0.26267    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## smooth terms:
##           edf
## ps(doy) 6.997
## =========================
## No. of obs = 1368    No. of params = 15 (15 for each quantile) 
## Overall check = 36610.5  SIC = 3.316 on edf = 11 (ncross constr: FALSE)
test_shoot_quantreg(dat_shoot %>%
  filter(species == "aceru", canopy == "open", site == "cfc") %>%
  filter(doy >= 120, doy < 170)) %>%
## Call:
## quantregGrowth::gcrq(formula = shoot ~ ps(doy, monotone = 1) + 
##     heat + water + heat_water, tau = 0.5, data = df)
## --------  Percentile: 0.50   check function:   20675 -----
## parametric terms:
##                 Est   StErr   |z| p-value    
## (Intercept) 36.5929  2.2047 16.60 < 2e-16 ***
## heat         2.9161  0.9817  2.97 0.00297 ** 
## water        0.4477  1.5874  0.28 0.77790    
## heat_water  -1.5317  1.3512  1.13 0.25699    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## smooth terms:
##           edf
## ps(doy) 3.999
## =========================
## No. of obs = 1365    No. of params = 15 (15 for each quantile) 
## Overall check = 20675.26  SIC = 2.739 on edf = 8 (ncross constr: FALSE)
  • Warming tends to promote shoot growth.
  • Rainfall reduction effect also tends to promote shoot growth (not conclusive).
  • Interaction between warming and drying might offset promoted shoot growth.
  • Note that random effects not implemented.
  • Reminder than this is a very rough descriptive analysis with no parametric models or random effects.

Five growth models

dat_growth_model <- calc_compare_growth_model(dat_shoot %>% filter(species == "queru", canopy == "open", site == "cfc"))
plot_compare_growth_model(dat_growth_model, option = "fit")
plot_compare_growth_model(dat_growth_model, option = "test")
dat_growth_model <- calc_compare_growth_model(dat_shoot %>% filter(species == "aceru", canopy == "open", site == "cfc"))
plot_compare_growth_model(dat_growth_model, option = "fit")
plot_compare_growth_model(dat_growth_model, option = "test")
  • Logistic model seems to be reasonable.
  • Exponential, Chapman-Richards, and Monod models have fast increases at the start, which don’t work well with data during dormancy.
  • Additional parameter to control the starting time of rapid increase?

Bayesian model

dat_shoot_cov <- tidy_shoot(covariate = T)

usethis::proj_set(str_c(getwd(), "/phenologyb4warmed/"), force = T)
usethis::use_data(dat_shoot_cov, overwrite = T)

Prepare data for model fitting.

dat <- dat_shoot_cov %>%
  filter(species == "queru", canopy == "open", site == "cfc") %>%
  filter(shoot > 0)

Fit a most basic lognormal logistic function with a subset of data. No covariates. No random effects.

df_MCMC <- calc_bayes_fit(
  data = dat %>% mutate(tag = "training"),
  version = 1
## ===== Monitors =====
## thin = 1: asym, min, scal, sigma, xmid
## ===== Samplers =====
## RW sampler (3)
##   - xmid
##   - scal
##   - sigma
## conjugate sampler (2)
##   - min
##   - asym
## |-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|
## |-------------------------------------------------------|

Visualize posteriors of parameters.

p_bayes_diagnostics <- plot_bayes_diagnostics(df_MCMC = df_MCMC)

Make predictions.

df_pred <- calc_bayes_predict(
  data = dat %>%
  df_MCMC = df_MCMC,
  version = 1

Plot predictions.

p_bayes_predict <- plot_bayes_predict(
  data = dat,
  data_predict = df_pred,
  vis_log = F


Plot predictions on log scale.

p_bayes_predict <- plot_bayes_predict(
  data = dat,
  data_predict = df_pred,
  vis_log = T

  • Need to fix observational error to constrain shoot length >= 0. Fixed with lognormal distribution.
  • Seem to be large differences between plots.
  • Some outliers dominated because of changing sampling periods?
  • Need to look at priors more closely.

Question about computation: What’s the best way to train with all 103414 data points from 4302 individuals?